• A lot of value in property

  • High incomes

  • Allegations of fraud

  • Non-Dischargeable Debt

  • Rushes due to garnishments, repossessions, foreclosures

  • Non-traditional debt

  • And more.

Cost of Chapter 7?

What make A Chapter 7 Complicated?

Signs you are in need of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

  • Being sued.
  • Behind on payments.
  • Using credit cards to purchase food and pay for ordinary expenses.
  • Liquidating retirement funds to catch up or pay bills.
  • More going out each month than coming in.

The cost of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy varies greatly from state to state and even city to city.  As you might expect it is generally more expensive in large metropolitan areas.

Generally, the cost of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is still below $2,000 for uncomplicated cases. Don't get freaked out by that number. Your case may be simple and a lot less expensive.

Keep in mind the big picture.  Generally, it is a lot easier to focus on how to pay the attorney fees and costs with your resources and the help of family and friends than it is to pay all the debt you are struggling with.

Many attorneys offer payment plans to pay for the attorney fees and costs to have your case filed.  Make sure you ask your attorney if they offer a payment plan. 

The Merna Law Group, PC, Attorneys & Lawyers, Virginia Beach, VA

The most important thing is you want an attorney that is interested in your case.  How do you determine this? First, you schedule a free consultation to meet with the attorney.  Most offer these consultations for free.  Second, at the end of the consultation you ask yourself.

  • Did the attorney give the time needed in the consultation to fully understand my situation and my concerns?
  • Did the attorney seem approachable and engaging or was he uninterested in hearing my questions?
  • Did the attorney tell me what to do or ask what I wanted to do and explain how you could accomplish it?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy


What to look for  in a chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorney.

Chapter 7 Liquidates Or Eliminates Your Unsecured Debt

Remember "A penny saved is a penny earned" is still good advice. 

What is unsecured debt?


Unsecured debt is debt not secured by property.  Some examples are credit card debt, medical bills, personal loans, payday loans, etc.

Secured debts are mortgages, equity loans, car loans, judgments that has been liened against property, and purchase money security interests (PMSI).  PMSI occur when a store extends you credit to purchase furniture or electronics in their store.